
Some Good Buys is an independent publisher dedicated to delivering our readers curated products and services they can feel good about. Its content (including articles and tools) is provided for free and for informational purposes.

As information can change quickly, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information we present on a daily basis on previously published posts, nor guarantee the applicability of the content to your individual circumstances. However, we do strive to provide accurate, reliable information.

We believe our readers are seeking more from the brands, products and services they choose to support. We feature purpose-driven brands that connect with what our readers truly care about – whether it’s value, quality, sustainability, the people or support for a charitable cause behind a product or service – We know our readers want to support brands they can feel good about.

We also believe in transparency and we partner with purpose-driven brands and work with our partners to create content. Because of these partnerships, some of our links on the site are “affiliate links,” which is how our partner brands compensate us for your attention. If you click on one of those links and purchase an item, sign up for a promotion, download an app, or complete a required action, Some Good Buys may receive a commission.

Anytime we partner with a brand, we make it clearly known. For instance, here’s an example where there’s a gray disclosure box right underneath the main image and before the body text.

If there’s no disclosure in that spot in articles, then we didn’t earn money from that content.

Why? Because we believe our content should help you first and foremost, we will cover brands outside our partnerships because we feel their services or products truly benefit our readers.

Though our partnerships may influence where those products appear on the site, they in no way affect our recommendations or advice, which are grounded in research. What’s more, our partners cannot pay us to guarantee favorable reviews of their products or services.